Thursday, April 9, 2020

What Makes You Happy?

Ever make a list of the things that make YOU happy?  

What are the things that enable you to blissfully be the person you are uniquely meant to be?

Here’s my list of contributors to bliss.  Hope it helps you figger out your own dealio:
  • Being able to think freely about ideas and artistic visions, without time pressure or shame
  • Being able to choose what matters most to me as the focus of my energy
  • Being able to focus on a single project without distractions (having adequate alone time)
  • Having the knowledge, experience, and skills required to work efficiently and effectively
  • Having access to a variety of tools, methods, and mentors when crafting an artistic vision
  • Being exposed to inspiring examples, locations, or people
  • Helping others who share similar goals move forward in meaningful ways 
  • Being able to share and enjoy end results

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