Friday, August 13, 2021

How to Cope With the Human Condition

When Robin Williams passed in August 2014, it hit me hard. Three years later I posted my thoughts (below) on FB. I hope you find it helpful. As Ram Dass said, "We're all just walking each other home." 

Depression seems to be unavoidable.  It even stalks people who had a happy childhood, perhaps BECAUSE they were once so happy and athletically inclined or good looking or effing talented, or even all of the above, because no one gets old without watching their gifts and potential, whatever they are, be slowly taken away. 

It's a cruel joke that life plays on everyone. It doesn't matter if you're on meds, or high on life, or filled with gratitude. The taking away is insipid and brutal and relentless. It's just sad.

The trick to adjusting every few years to a "new normal", as talent and potential, or just the ability to get restful, pain-free sleep fades away, is to combat sadness with new knowledge. 

Stay humble enough to remain perennially curious, and you will find joy in new ways. 

Be courageous enough to push yourself to try something you suck at. (Like not ending sentences with a preposition.) 

Help someone who seems sadder than you, if you can.

Anyhoo, that's my plan.

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